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[1] 轴承性能分析

[2] 轴承可靠性评估


[1] 河南省自然科学基金项目,控制力矩陀螺轴承组件服役精度混沌演变机理与精度保持可靠性研究,主持

[2] 河南省产业研发联合基金重大项目,新能源汽车电驱轴承数字孪生试验系统关键技术研发,参与

[3] 河南省产业研发联合基金重大项目,10~12 兆瓦海上抗台风风电机组变桨偏航轴承的研发及产业化,参与


[1] Ye Liang, Hu Yusheng and Deng Sier, et al. A novel model for evaluating the operation performance status of rolling bearings based on hierarchical maximum entropy Bayesian method[J]. Lubricants, 2022, 10(5).

[2] Ye Liang, Zhang Wenhu and Cui Yongcun, et al. Dynamic evaluation of the degradation process of vibration performance for machine tool spindle bearings[J]. Sensors, 2023, 23(11).

[3] Ye Liang, Xia Xintao and Chang Zhen. Dynamic prediction of the performance reliability of high-speed railway bearings[J]. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2019, 41(11): 532.

[4] Ye Liang, Xia Xintao and Chang Zhen. Dynamic prediction for accuracy maintaining reliability of super-precision rolling bearing in service[J]. Shock and Vibration, 2018, 2018: 7396293.

[5] Ye Liang, Xia Xintao and Chang Zhen. Evaluation of dynamic uncertainty of rolling bearing vibration performance[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2019, 2019: 2896046.

[6] 叶亮, 邓四二, 崔永存, 等. 滚动轴承振动性能状态演变的非线性特征和不确定性特征的灰关系分析[J]. 航空动力学报, 2022, 37(6): 1121-1133.

[7] 叶亮, 夏新涛, 常振. 样本量对滚动轴承振动性能变异过程评估的影响[J]. 航空动力学报, 2019, 34(11): 2490-2502.

[8] 叶亮, 夏新涛, 常振. 滚动轴承振动性能保持可靠性与不确定性关系的动态评估[J]. 航空动力学报, 2020, 35(11): 2326-2338.

[9] 叶亮, 夏新涛, 常振. 滚动轴承振动性能的混沌特性与不确定性之间的灰关系评估[J]. 机械传动, 2021, 45(1): 9-16.

[10] 夏新涛, 叶亮, 常振, 等. 乏信息条件下滚动轴承振动性能可靠性变异过程预测[J]. 振动与冲击, 2017, 36(8): 105-112.

[11] 夏新涛, 叶亮, 李云飞, 等. 基于多层自助最大熵法的可靠性评估[J]. 兵工学报, 2016, 37(7): 1317-1329.

[12] 夏新涛, 叶亮, 孙立明, 等. 滚动轴承性能保持可靠性预测[J]. 轴承, 2016, (6): 28-34.



[1] 夏新涛, 叶亮. 滚动轴承性能不确定性与可靠性实验评估[M]. 北京: 科学出版社, 2019.