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[1] 装备防尘技术

[2] 微颗粒与多相流

[3] 多物理场耦合

[4] 结构与材料力学性能






[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:涡轮叶片涂层冷却通道细观耦合的微颗粒碰撞理论及其输运机制(12272125),2023-2026.

[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:涡轮冷却叶片微米沙尘气膜孔堵塞机理与防沉积设计(51975187),2020-2023.

[3] 国家自然科学基金:不规则颗粒离散相动力学及气粒分离机制研究(U1604135),2017-2019.

[4] 国家自然科学基金青年基金:自由参数空间下典型多学科耦合构件多保真度建模及快速优化(51105132),2012-2014.

[5] 河南省重点研发专项:微颗粒环境民用航空发动机涡轮冷却叶片服役失效评价与预警技术(231111520100),2023-2025.


[1] Liu Jiawei, Yu Kuahai*, Tafti Danesh, Yang Xi, Xu Hongyu. Dust adhesion and deposition behavior in internal cooling duct with pin fins. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2023,184,107943.

[2] Yu Kuahai*, Liu Jiawei, Xu Xindong, Yao Shile, Hou Naixian, Yue Zhufeng. Dust transport investigation in ribbed cooling duct integrating temperature-dependent elastic-plastic particle collision model. Particulate Science and Technology. 2023,41(1):42-52.

[3] Kuahai Yu*, Yan Chen, Jiawei Liu, Xi Yang, Shifeng Wen, Zhufeng Yue. Deposition of micron-sized inertial particles on flat surfaces: effects of electrostatic forces and surface roughness. Particulate Science and Technology. 2022 DOI 10.1080/02726351.2022.2147462.

[4] Shile Yao, Kuahai Yu*, Shihong Xin, Kai Ran, Zhufeng Yue. Numerical study on dynamic response of hydraulic pipe subjected to the blast pressure of aircraft tire blowout, Engineering Failure Analysis. 2022, 138,106321.

[5] Xindong Xu, Kuahai Yu*, Shile Yao, Shihong Xin, Zhufeng Yue, Lei Li. Numerical investigation of non-spherical particles impact with spin and multi-point contact. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. 2021,599(3),431-441.

[6] 李嘉琪,李航,虞跨海,薛玉君.月球车光伏玻璃表面微织构对月尘沉积量的影响.表面技术,2021,50(10), 157-168+229.

[7] Kuahai Yu*, DaneshTafti. Size and temperature dependent collision and deposition model of micro-sized sand particles. Journal of Turbomachinery-Transactions of the ASME, 2019, 141, 031001.

[8] HusamElghannay, DaneshTafti, KuahaiYu. Evaluation of physics based hard-sphere model with the soft sphere model. International Journal of Multiphase flow, 2019, 112,100-115.

[9] Kuahai Yu *, DaneshTafti, Xi Yang, Shihong Xin. Heat transfer during impact of elastoplastic and cohesive particles. ASME Turbo Expo 2019: Turbomachinery Technical Conference & Exposition, June 17-21, 2019, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. GT2019-91087.

[10] Kuahai Yu*, Xi Yang. Torque capacity and contact stress analysis of conical interference fit shrink disc of wind turbine. Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures. 2018,14(1),189-199.

[11] XuhuiZhang, HangshanGao, KuahaiYu, ZhixunWen, ZhufengYue. Crystal orientation effect and multi-fidelity optimization of a solid single crystal superalloy turbine blade. Computational materials science, 2018, 149: 84-90.

[12] Kuahai Yu*, Husam A. Elghannay, DaneshTafti. An Impulse Based Model for Spherical Particle Collisions with Sliding and Rolling. Powder Technology. 2017, 319,102-116.

[13] Kuahai Yu*, DaneshTafti. Size and temperature dependent deposition model of micro-sized sand particles. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2017: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition. June 26-30, 2017, Charlotte, NC, USA. GT2017-63792.

[14] Kuahai Yu*, DaneshTafti. Impact model of micrometer-sized sand particles. Powder Technology. 2016,294, 11-21.

[15] Kuahai Yu*, Xi Yang, Yongzhou Chen, Changhao Li. Thermal analysis and two-directional air flow thermal management for lithium-ion battery pack. Journal of Power Sources. 2014,270,193-200.

[16] Kuahai Yu*, Xi Yang, Zhan MO. Profile Design and multi-fidelity optimization of solid rocket motor nozzle. ASME Journal of Fluid Engineering.2014,136(6): 031104-031104-6.


[1] 虞跨海等. 一种微米颗粒滑动摩擦系数的测量方法及系统. 专利号:ZL 2018107654758,授权日期:2021.07.29.

[2] 虞跨海等. 一种球形颗粒滚动摩擦系数测量方法. 专利号:ZL 201810988170.3,授权日期:2021.02.05.

[3] 虞跨海等. 一种具有增压作用的液压机. 专利号:ZL201910147188.5,授权日期:2020.07.14.

[4] 虞跨海等. 一种增压装置及其增压机构. 专利号:ZL201910147187.0,授权日期:2020.07.28.

[5] 虞跨海等. 锂离子电池热管理系统. 专利号:ZL 201610114215.5,授权日期:2019.02.05.

[6] 虞跨海等. 复合塑性成形设备及其模具换位机构、该机构的定位方法. 专利号:ZL201510002252.2,授权日期:2018.01.16.

[7] 虞跨海等. 强制风冷电池箱及其箱体和冷板. 专利号:ZL 201410039360.2, 授权日期:2017.04.26.

[8] 虞跨海等.新型大容量锂离子动力电池设计方案验证装置. 专利号:ZL201310111323.3,授权日期:2015.02.25.

[9] 虞跨海等. 一种锂离子动力电池箱. 专利号:ZL 201310111322.9,授权日期:2015.03.25.

[10] 虞跨海等.一种涡轮冷却叶片.专利号:ZL 201110152438.8,授权日期:2013.09.04.


[1] 材料力学(修订版). 北京:中国建筑工业出版社.2018.10. (副主编)

[1] 2022年河南省高等教育教学成果一等奖(第一完成人)

[2] 2021年杜庆华力学与工程青年学者奖

[3] 2021年河南省高校科研管理先进工作者

[4] 2021年河南省优秀党务工作者

[5] 2020年河南省高层次人才(C类)

[6] 2020年河南省高校优秀共产党员

[7] 2019年十四届河南省青年科技奖

[8] 2019年河南省优秀教师

[9] 2019年河南省教育厅学术带头人

[10] 2019年河南省科技进步三等奖(第一完成人)

[11] 2018年河南省科技创新杰出青年

[12] 2018年陕西省科学技术一等奖(参与)

[13] 2017年河南省高校青年骨干教师